MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED THEORIES OF WAGES 1.WAGE FUND THEORY Wage fund theory was propounded by J.S.Mill. According to him, the employers set apart a certain amount of capital to pay wages for labourers. This is fixed and constant. This is called as wages fund. Wage is determined by the amount of wages fund and the total number of labourers. According to J.S.Mill, “wages depend upon the demand and supply of labour or as it is often expressed as proportion between population and capital. By population is here meant the number only of the laboring classes or rather of those who work for hire and by capital, only circulating capital……….. “. Wage rate=Wage fund / Number of labourers An increase in wage rate is possible only by an increase in wage fund or by a reduction in the number of labourers. Thus there exists a direct relation between wage rate and wages fund and inverse relation between wage rate and number of labourers. This theory also states t...